Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fraction & Number Line Activity Questions

Here are the questions you will need to complete today's math activity. Activity and questions from the Georgia Mathematics Frameworks for 3rd grade.
USING FRACTION STRIPS TO EXPLORE THE NUMBER LINE (Adapted from a Learning Task by Michelle Clay, Floyd County, GA)

1. Using complete sentences and math words, write 3 observations you and your group made about fractions between 0 and 1 on the Number Line.

Use your Number Lines to answer the following questions.
2. How many sixths are between 0 and 1?
3. How many 12ths are equivalent to 1 whole?
4. What fraction on the Number Line is equivalent to 2/6?
Put on your thinking caps....
5. If 3/3 is equivalent to the whole number 1, how many thirds are in the whole number 2?
6. What would the fraction 12/4 represent? Draw a picture in the space below to explain your answer.
7. During a lesson on Measurement, students were asked to measure their feet using a ruler. Lexi’s foot measured 7 inches. Addie’s foot was 5/6 of a foot. Robert’s foot was equal to 3⁄4 of a foot. Andrew’s foot measured 2/3 of a foot. Use your number line to help you arrange the students’ foot measurements in order from smallest to largest. On the back of this paper, sketch the Number Lines divided into thirds, fourths, sixths, and inches (1/12). Use pictures, numbers, and words to explain your solution.

MATHEMATICS GRADE 3 UNIT 5: Representing and Comparing Fractions Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent July 2014 Page 44 of 96 All Rights Reserved
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