Thursday, September 20, 2012

Learning about Multiples

Respond in the comments section or in your Math Notebook:

What are 3 observations you made about multiples using the Hundreds Chart that we used in class? Be sure to write in complete sentences. All sentences should have a capital letter and ending punctuation.

Respond to others' comments.

Feel free to visit the interactive hundreds board at


  1. Here are my pbservations,

    In the 3 column,you skip 2.
    In the 4 column, all of the numbers are even.
    In the 6 column, it is the same pattern that is in the 3 column exept different numbers.

    -Dana Richie

  2. I notice while counting by 6, all the numbers are on ones that have been already colored in. I also notice that by counting by the number 3, the numbers never landed on the already shaded in ones. While counting by the number2 all the numbers landed on columns. These are my observations.
    - Lauren Monje
    September 20, 2012

    1. Interesting, Lauren. I never would have thought. :)

  3. I like your observations Dana!
    - Lauren Monje

  4. I noticed that counting by 7s there are even and odd numbers. On all the columns there is a pattern.(colored,blank,blank,colored)I also noticed on the number 25 it is a multiple of 3,6,and 4 according to what colors it was colored with.


  5. Diego-I found that the 6's on top of all the two's.
    In my investigation I also saw that they are also
    on the three's.Btw I also found a pattern of three's (:

  6. I found that the 6s went diagonal and all the 2s are all even numbers. I also found a pattern in the threes because all of the threes skip 2.

    James Toner

  7. I found that the 2s go down in columns. Also, in 3s, it was odd, even, odd, even. In the 4s they were all even. Finally, in the 6s, they were all multiples of 2, 3, and 6.

    Cal Persons

  8. When I was counting by 2s I noticed you go down a column and skip a column and go on.
    When I was counting by 4s I realized every # is multiples of 2.
    When I was counting by 3s I noticed its a pattern odd,even,odd,even.
    When I was counting by 6s I realized every number is even.They were multiples of 2,3, and 6.

    Aiden Kaba

  9. I can see that the # 2 goes down in Columns.
    The 7`s make something like stairs. Finally 6's go 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 so on so forth.

  10. I noticed the 6s shared a simalare patern , number skip 2 numbers.I also noticed the 6s all had even numbers. The 7s have even and odd numbers.
    Madeline Moser

  11. I noticed that when you look down the rows with the multiples of six on the top row there's one multiple of six next row two next row two then one then two then two then one and so on. I also noticed that the multiples of five are only in the fifth column and the tenth column.

    Amari Butler

    1. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Caroline Bell

  12. Two is a multiple of every number and all the two digit numbers that are a multiple of two end in two. Six has multiples that are all even. If you count by threes , when you are done you will see that the threes go down diagonally.
    By: Simeon Smith

  13. Antony:I see that multiple by six are all even.If you multiple by three the all go down diagonally.

  14. What i noticed was that five only has two rows. Six has all even multiples. that two on has five rows.

  15. All the multiples of 2 are even numbers. I can see that if you count by fives you only land on numbers that end with 5 or 0. If you count by 3s and you look up and down you will skip two space until you get to the next multiple of 3.

    -Nikhel A. Krishna

  16. The 2's go down in colums and are even numbers.If you count by fives you will always land on a number that ends with a 0 or 5.The sixes go diaginal on the hundereds chart,to.
    Caroline Bell
