Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Food Webs

Are you ready for your first blog assignment in 4th grade? Today you learned about food chains and food webs. Do you remember the difference between the two? There are arrows on both food webs and chains. What do the arrows represent? For your assignment tonight, click the comment button. Explain food webs and chains to other 4th grade students. Try to use vocabulary words: producer, consumer, and decomposer in your explanation. If you others have already posted their explanations, feel free to write an educational comment or question to them. Blog Rules 1. Use educational language and writing. 2. Write only positive comments that are related to the topic to other students. 3. Use only your first name. Happy Blogging!


  1. Well food chains tell you what eats what or what is eaten by what.Consumers eat things and use things that are produced by producers.Decomposers eat the waste of dead animals and plants.


  2. the diffrence between a food chain and a food web is a food chain is a food chain is horazontal and a food web is all direcion.
    the energey flows the way of the arrow.
    a producer produces.
    a consumer consumes.
    a decomposer is like a plant

    J E T T .

    1. What is a food web and chain? They are showing who eats what.
      The arrows are showing the energy an d how it flows.
      Consumer- the one who eats something
      Producer- the one who makes
      Decomposer- the thing that breaks down

      JK- See you tomorrow!

    2. You did great but maybe add some more!

    3. Pardon my comment, but you spelled the words energy, horizontal, and direction.

    4. Excuse me, I meant you misspelled those three words.

  3. A food web and food chain show where the energy goes. The organisms in a food chain or web are producers, consumers, or decomposers. The producers produce things with energy from the sun. Most of the consumers eat producers, unless the're a carnivore. Herbavores eat only plants, carnivores eat only other animals, and omnivores eat both. Decomposers decompose things. Also, the arrows on a food chain and web show the way the energy is going. That's it for our show!

    1. You thought of the same anwser as me! You did great!


    2. Great Job!!!


  4. Food chains tell you what eats what and tell you what eats who. A food chain goes in one direction. For example a fox eats a bunny and a bunny eats grass. A food web goes in all directions. A decomposer eats the waste of decayed animals and plants. A worm is a decomposer. A consumer eats and uses things that are produced by a producer. Plants are producers.


    1. Sophie, I liked your entry. Still, remember your commas!

  5. a similarity in a food chain and a food web is is that they both show where the energy goes. A producer is a organism that gets its energy from the sun. With the energy a producer gets from the sun, it produces things. Consumers on the other hand eat producers, but not if they are carnivores. Decomposers, of course, decompose things. a example of a decomposer is a worm. A carnivore's diet, mostly is other animals. Herbavores eat only plants, such as herbs. Omnivores will eat a evergreen tree, to a coyote, so they eat plants and animals. THANKS!

    see you tommorow- Liliana

    1. So sorry to comment but,you accidentally spelled herbivore wrong.

  6. What are food chains and food webs? What is the difference? Food chains are a straight line of a few animals. Food webs are all the animals in an area in a web based on who eats who. There are three kinds of animals on a food web or food chain. There's decomposers, which decompose other biotics.
    An example of one is a worm. There are also producers. They're any kind of plant. A worm will eat dead producers. There are also consumers like a bird. It would eat the worm. And that's a food chain or a smaller part of a food web.

  7. A food chain is different from a food web because a food chain is in one straight line while a food web shows how the organisms are connected. the food chain has arrows that show where the energy is going.for example, a rabbit eats plants.the fox eats the rabbit. Where does the energy go? the fox!

  8. A food chain is when a plant gets energy from the sun and then the herbivores eat the plant. Then, the carnivore eats the herbivore and when they die a decomposer eats them. Omnivores are the consumers because they eat plants and animals. The plants the producers because almost everything eats the plants and that starts the food chain. The arrows indicate when energy is passed to another thing.


  9. The food chain is a hierarchical series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food.

  10. The arrow shows where the energy is going. Decomposers eat the dead animals.
    Herbivore = eats only plants
    Carnivore = eats only meat
    Omnivore = eats plants and animals


  11. A food web is when a producer makes its own food and then a consumer comes along and eats the food that the producer made(or sometimes the consumer will eat another consumer) and then after the consumer or producer dies the decomposers breakdown the producer or decomposer.

    D man

  12. FOOD CHAIN - a line of organisms that depend on each other for energy and food. There are many different kinds of food chains. There are two that I know of which are the under water food chain and ,the food chain that many people know about, the on-land food chain.
    The on-land food chain starts with sunlight. The under water food chain starts with the smallest organism, which may include bacteria.

    FOOD WEB - a picture representing the fact that an organism could eat more than one organism. Many food webs are different.

  13. On a food chain or a food web, the arrows show where the energy is going. For example a rabbit (consumer) eats carrots and lettuce (producer) and an owl (consumer) eats the rabbit. When the owl dies worms (decomposers) will eat the owl. Therefore, the arrows will be pointing to the right.


  14. a food chain goes straight across.a food web goes in all directions.the arrows show where the energy is going.

    producers-make their own food
    consumer-eats producer and also other consumers
    decomposers-eats consumers that dies

  15. First, I'd like to start explaining the differences between food webs and food chains by pointing out their appearances. A food chain is a straight line that can go in two ways. One way is that it points to the right, going from producer to consumer, occasionally producer to decomposer. The other way is that it goes straight down, in the same order it would be horizontally. It doesn't usually go from predator to prey because the arrows go in the way the energy is flowing. For example, the sun gives plants energy, which give herbivorous animals energy, who give carnivorous animals energy, who give decomposers such as fungi and mushrooms energy. Food webs are basically the same as food chains, and they have the same basic function as food chains, however, they are different in a few key ways. First of all, the food web connects all biotic organisms that are in one ecosystem or community, instead of just three or four in a single row. Also, as it is named, it roughly resembles a spider's web. Of course, the two charts also start with plants, meaning that they are literally at the bottom of the food chain. They go all the way up until we see the dominant carnivore, or the top of the food chain.

  16. Producers make their own food, from energy of the sunlight. Consumers eat plants and other consumers. Decomposers are bacteria, fungi, and small animals that break down decaying plants into compost. We use compost in the Springdale Sprouts Garden.
    Food chain shows how living things get food, and how nutrients and energy are passed from creature to creature. Food chains start with plants and end with animals.


  17. I think the difference is that a food web is pointing were the energy is going. The food chains are in order and then shows were the energy is going.

    BY: Sierra woods
